Do Dental Cleanings Whiten Teeth? The Ultimate Guide For 2023

Explore the relationship between dental cleanings and teeth whitening with NatruSmile's Ultimate Guide for 2023, and find out how professional cleanings can help improve your smile's appearance.

6 min readDo Dental Cleanings Whiten Teeth?

Everyone yearns for a confident, attractive smile. Dental cleanings are vital in maintaining optimal oral health and play a pivotal role in the overall well-being of your teeth and gums. However, one question that frequently arises is whether dental cleanings can actually make teeth appear whiter. In this ultimate guide for 2023, we'll examine the role of dental cleanings in teeth whitening and discuss their myriad benefits to help you make informed decisions about your dental care.

What Do Dental Cleanings Help With?

Dental cleanings serve several purposes in improving oral health, including addressing issues such as:

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common problem that occurs due to the accumulation of plaque, bacteria, and food particles on the tooth surface. This buildup can lead to cavities and other oral health issues. Dental cleanings eliminate plaque and reduce the chances of tooth decay by providing a thorough cleaning that reaches all the nooks and crannies of your teeth.

Signs Of Gum Disease

Gum disease (also referred to as periodontal disease) is an inflammatory condition that affects the gums and surrounding tissues, often resulting from bacterial buildup along the gumline. Regular dental cleanings can help identify early warning signs of gum disease, such as redness, swelling, and bleeding gums, and halt the progression of the condition before it becomes more severe.

Early Signs Of Cavities

Detecting cavities early can prevent extensive tooth damage and save on treatment costs in the long run. During a dental cleaning, your dentist has the opportunity to identify and treat early signs of cavities. With prompt intervention, it's possible to address cavities before they deepen and necessitate more invasive treatments, like root canals or tooth extractions.

Damaged Teeth

Dental cleanings allow your dentist to examine your teeth closely, facilitating the identification of cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. By treating these issues early, dental cleanings can help in protecting and preserving the integrity of your teeth and preventing further deterioration or oral infection.

Cysts Or Growths

During a dental cleaning, your dentist will also examine your oral health for the presence of cysts, growths, or other abnormalities that may require immediate attention. Identifying and addressing these issues early on can prevent complications, save on treatment costs and preserve your overall oral health.

Overall Oral Hygiene

Regular dental cleanings help to maintain overall oral hygiene. The procedure eliminates plaque, food particles, and other debris from the crevices of your teeth, reducing your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and other oral health issues.

Now that we understand how dental cleanings contribute to oral health let's delve into the subject of whether they can play a part in teeth whitening.

Do Dental Cleanings Improve The Appearance Of Teeth?

Although dental cleanings aim primarily at maintaining oral health by removing plaque and tartar to prevent dental issues like cavities and gum disease, they can also have a positive impact on the appearance of your teeth. Dental cleanings may help remove some superficial stains that accumulate over time from consuming certain beverages and foods or using tobacco products. Nonetheless, dental cleanings should not be mistaken for specific tooth-whitening procedures.

Can A Dentist Help With Yellow Teeth?

Dentists can provide valuable assistance in improving the appearance of yellow teeth. Regular dental cleanings may potentially remove some external stains, but keep in mind that the natural color of your teeth is influenced by various factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle. To effectively whiten yellow teeth, you may need a professional teeth cleaning and whitening session, which employs more potent whitening agents to produce noticeably whiter teeth.

How Effective Is Dental Cleaning In Removing Stains?

Professional teeth cleanings performed by a dentist or dental hygienist can effectively help remove surface stains caused by regular consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, or using tobacco products. These cleanings utilize specialized instruments to scrape away plaque and tartar buildup and polish the teeth, often resulting in a brighter smile.

However, some deep-seated stains may require additional procedures such as dental bleaching or more intensive cleaning and teeth whitening methods to achieve desired results. It's crucial to consult with your dentist to determine the most suitable solution for your specific needs.

How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

Determining the ideal frequency for dental cleanings is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Generally, your dentist will evaluate your overall oral health and make recommendations accordingly. On average, dental cleanings should be performed every six months to maintain a healthy mouth. This biannual cleaning schedule works well for most people in preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

However, certain individuals with more serious dental conditions or a higher risk of developing dental problems, such as those with a history of gum disease or a predisposition to cavities, may require more frequent cleanings. In such cases, your dentist may recommend dental cleanings every three or four months to ensure proper oral care and monitoring.

Do Teeth Stain Easier After Cleaning?

Contrary to popular belief, teeth do not stain more easily after a dental cleaning. Instead, the existing stains and superficial blemishes are removed during the cleaning process, which can make the teeth appear brighter and cleaner. However, it is important to note that your teeth remain susceptible to new stains, especially if you continue to consume dark-colored beverages like coffee or red wine, or if you use tobacco products.

To keep your teeth stain-free or minimize new staining, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene by regularly brushing, flossing, and following your dentist's recommendations about preventive measures, which include cleaning and whitening teeth.

Should I Clean Or Whiten My Teeth First?

If you are considering both dental cleaning and teeth whitening, it is generally best to undergo dental cleaning first, as this procedure removes plaque and tartar buildup on the surface of your teeth. By doing so, a smoother and cleaner surface is created, allowing for more effective teeth whitening. The removal of plaque and tartar through cleaning reduces any potential barriers that could hinder the whitening process and negatively impact the evenness of the resulting shade.

Before proceeding with any teeth whitening treatments, it is essential to consult your dentist. They can assess your dental health to determine the best course of action based on the current state of your teeth and your desired aesthetic outcome. They may also discuss various teeth whitening methods and recommend the most appropriate one for your specific needs.

Will The Process Hurt?

The process of whitening teeth is relatively painless and can be done in a variety of ways. Depending on the type of treatment you choose, it may involve special whitening toothpaste, at-home kits, or professional treatments. Your dentist will be able to provide more information about the best approach for your individual needs. Should you need any additional pain relief, your dentist can provide it.

Why Is Professional Treatment Better Than Other Methods?

Professional treatments are generally more effective and longer-lasting than at-home or over-the-counter methods. Professional teeth whitening can produce dramatic results, lighten your teeth up to eight shades in one visit, and keep your smile looking bright for months after the treatment. On top of that, only dentists can know for sure which type of treatment is best for you and see whether you have any pre-existing conditions that may affect the whitening process of your teeth.

The Bottom Line: Importance Of Dental Cleanings And Whitening Options

Dental cleanings serve as an essential element of maintaining a healthy smile and preventing oral health issues from developing. While professional dental cleanings may remove some surface stains from your teeth, they are not solely focused on teeth whitening. If you are seeking a noticeably brighter smile, it's worth considering other professional teeth cleaning and teeth whitening options:

  • At-home Teeth whitening: Over-the-counter whitening kits, such as whitening strips, gels, or trays, can provide satisfying results when used correctly under the guidance of your dentist. These at-home options can deliver a noticeable improvement in the shade of your teeth over time.
  • Natural teeth whitening: Making small yet effective lifestyle changes, such as avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks, brushing with baking soda, or using fruits like strawberries or orange peels to rub on your teeth, can provide a mild teeth whitening effect over time. Although these natural methods may take longer to achieve significant results, they can contribute to a healthier and more radiant smile.
  • In-office whitening: For more noticeable and longer-lasting teeth whitening results, consider undergoing in-office whitening procedures performed by dental professionals. These treatments often utilize high-strength bleaching agents coupled with special light sources to accelerate the whitening process, leading to quicker, more noticeable improvements in the color of your teeth.

In summary, while dental cleanings play a crucial role in preserving oral health, they may not provide the desired whitening results. To achieve a brighter smile, consider a combination of at-home, natural, or in-office teeth whitening options, tailored to your needs and preferences.

Always consult with your dentist before embarking on any whitening treatment to ensure safety and efficacy, as well as to identify any underlying dental issues that may require attention.

Remember to thoroughly discuss the benefits of white teeth and the cost of teeth cleaning procedures with your dentist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. If, out of curiosity, you wonder how long teeth cleaning takes, do note that dental cleaning sessions typically last around 30-60 minutes. This depends on the current state of your oral health. After teeth cleaning, it is not uncommon to experience some tooth sensitivity, which generally lasts for a short period.

Dealing with the issue of sensitive teeth after cleaning can be managed effectively by using oral care products specifically designed to alleviate tooth sensitivity. Consult your dentist for recommendations on suitable products to use for your unique situation.

In order to preserve your dental health and maintain a bright, radiant smile, it is crucial that you clean your teeth at home on a daily basis by adhering to a consistent oral hygiene routine. This involves brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, and incorporating the use of mouthwash to combat oral bacteria. By paying close attention to your oral hygiene at home, you'll be better equipped to keep your teeth and gums healthy and minimize the risk of dental issues in the future.

Consult your dentist regularly for personalized advice and to create a customized teeth whitening plan that works best for you. Schedule routine check-ups and dental cleanings with your dentist to ensure your oral health remains in top shape, and always follow their guidance on oral care.